I am lost to the world
In which I wasted so much times;
The world has heard nothing of me for so long
That it may well believe me dead!
And it is nothing to me,
If the world should take me for dead.
Indeed, I can say nothing to the contrary,
For truely I am dead to the world.
I am dead to the tumult of this world,
And I am at rest, in a silent space!
I live only in my heaven -------------In my love, in my song.
2004-2-18 當Seiji Ozawa 帶來Vienna philharmonic orchestra 造訪Carnegie hall, 一個Mahler待過2年的地方 ,
由Thomas Hampson緩緩唱出Ich bin der Welt abhanden gekommen 時
我作為一戈個Mahlarian不禁熱淚盈眶 久久無法自己................................................................