2010年10月26日 星期二
2010年 諾貝爾 醫學獎 得主 Dr. Robert Edwards 與 張 醫師
美國生殖醫學年會American Society of Reproductive Medicine 是全球參加人數最多論文水準最高的不孕症醫學會 ,
2006 美國年會, 與 Dr. Robert Edwards 的合影
2001赴紐約大學生殖醫學中心工作 同事間便猜測 Dr. Robert Edwards 隨時會入選為 諾貝爾 醫學獎 得主
2010 終於戴上桂冠
隨著婦女因生崖規劃 導致高齡 而延後懷孕 的人數與日俱增
試管嬰兒 徹底改變了 人類的 生殖方式 其影響 未來將更為巨大
經改良並簡化的 自然週期試管嬰兒 則是承先啟後的幫助 藉由行房生育發生困難的夫妻
不必在打大量針劑 便宜 快速 懷孕
當Dr. Robert Edwards 得知我是NYU Fertility Center的 professional scientist 並且正專助於 OCT-4 在人類胚胎的分佈與表現 時 高興的提起 他 信服的理論: polarization of human egg
青蛙的卵 的確是 polarization
但人卵則尚未有證據 我的研究亦是如此
Dr. Robert Edwards 希望我能加入研究 並投稿到 他主編的 reproduction on line
他的獲獎 實至名歸
張宏吉醫師(Chang HC)2001-2007 每年投稿到 美國American Society of Reproductive Medicine 年會 的 生殖醫學論文
1. Chang HC, Grifo J, McCaffrey, Krey LC, Noyes N. (2007 ASRM) Using certain commercially available glass-bottomed dish with paraffin oil impacts the embryonic development of oocytes. [Abstract] Fertility & Sterility. 2007; 88: S310 (#J0130599).
2. Keegan DA, Krey LC, Chang HC and Noyes N. (2007) Increased risk of pregnancy-induced hypertension between in young recipients of oocyte donation.Fertility and Sterility. Apr;87(4):776-81.
3. Chang, HC; Liu, H; Noyes, N; Meng, L; Krey, L; Grifo, J. "Down regulatory effects of retinoid signaling on murine and human embryonic Oct-4 gene expression [Abstract]". Fertility & sterility. 2006; 86: S219 (#J0123967)
4. Chang, HC; Noyes, N; Lee, TL; Chin, A; Krey, L; Grifo, J. "Independent and sequential expression of Oct3A and Oct3B transcription factors in human preimplantation embryos [Abstract]". Fertility & Sterility. 2006; 86: S220 (#J0123968)
5. Chang, HC; Grifo, J; Labella, P; Ampeloquio, E; Adler, A; Krey, L. "Oct3A and Oct3B immunostaining patterns in human 3PN zygotes and aneuploid embryos diagnosed by preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PGD): Embryonic chromosome status can be independent of developmental competence [Abstract]". Fertility & Sterility. 2006; 86: S220 (#J0123969)
6. Noyes, N; Chang, HC; Liu, H; Labella, P; Meng, L; Grifo, JA. "Presence of meiotic spindle predicts embryo competence following oocyte cryopreservation [Abstract]". Fertility & Sterility. 2006; 86: S64 (#J0123958)
7. Chang HC, Liu H,Zhang J, Grifo J, Krey LC.(2005) Developmental incompetency of denuded mouse oocytes undergoing maturation in vitro is ooplasmic in nature and is associated with aberrant Oct-4 expression. Human Reproduction, July, Vol. 20, No.7, 1958-1968.
8. Chang, HC; Liu, H; Zhang, J; Grifo, J; Krey, LC. "Ooplasnnic factors are responsible for the developmental defects observed when immature cumulus-enclosed mouse oocytes are denuded prior to maturation [Abstract]". Fertility & Sterility. 2004; 82: S10 (#J0078695)
9. Liu H, Chang HC, Zhang J, Grifo J, Krey LC. Metaphase II nuclei generated by germinal vesicle transfer in mouse oocytes support embryonic development to term.Human Reproduction, 2003 Sep;18(9):1903-1907.
10. Chang, HC; Liu, H; Blaszczyk, A; Grifo, J; Krey, LC. "Influences of mouse strain and culture media on in vitro maturation and embryogenesis of denuded mouse oocytes [Abstract]". Fertility & sterility. 2003; 80: S266 (#J0101655)
11. Liu H, Krey LC, Zhang J, Chang HC, Grifo JA (2002) Germinal vesicle xeno-transfer between mouse and human oocytes: a model to study ooplasmic influences on meiotic division. Fertility and Sterility, September Vol.76 No. 3S O-202.
12. Chang HC, Liu H, Grifo JA, Krey LC (2002) Influences of Gonadotroping stimulation on in vitro maturation and embryogenesis of denuded mouse oocytes. Fertility and Sterility, September Vol.76 No. 3S P-458.
紐約大學醫學院生殖醫學中心於其網頁列舉張宏吉醫師(Chang, HC)擔任全職科學家期間所發表的論文 http://www.nyufertilitycenter.org/ivf/about/pub_detail.html?AU=grifoj01
紐約大學醫學院生殖醫學中心 http://www.nyufertilitycenter.org/ivf/
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